Humans of KHS: Grace Mastrangelo


When Grace Mastrangelo, a senior, first began writing Humans of KHS during the fall semester, she was enthralled and excited to get a glimpse at some of the diversity that lives inside our little school. Mastrangelo has always been intrigued by people’s stories because they so often allow one to see things from an alternative perspective. Mastrangelo specified that her fascination with people’s stories began because she “loves to watch documentaries, to learn of the struggles, and the spirit of people all around the world. [She] loves how listening to someone’s stories and perspective can entirely change the way that you think about something”.

When asked why she finds these spotlight stories, like Humans of New York, a popular Instagram handle, interesting, she responded “I believe that you cannot completely understand another person or the decisions that they’ve made because every single thing that a person experiences in their life makes up how they think, what they do, how they react and who they are”.

Mastrangelo enjoys hearing people’s diverse stories because she believes that they allow one to see a small glimpse of the knowledge and experiences that each and every person in the world has. Mastrangelo feels that these stories, the small glimpses into the diversity that the world contains, inspire her to think differently about situations in her own life, to hold back judgment, and to learn as much as she can about others and the world around her.

Although Grace was not the originator of the Humans of KHS column for The Rampage, she loved being the writer for the fall semester because she held it as another way to share stories into people’s lives and open eyes into all of the diversity that surrounds us. Mastrangelo ended our conversation by saying, “our stories show how unique everyone in this school really is, and they bring us together when they teach us what we all have in common”.

Mastrangelo has a strong point there. So often people just focus on there day to day life and don’t look out into what might be right in front of them; however, if students began to reach out to new, possibly different than their typical friends, students, they might just learn something new and feel that sensation that Grace has explained.