Advisory Love


When students are asked what they do in advisory, many will respond in the same way: “It’s kinda boring, everyone just sits on their laptops and watches Netflix”. Some advisories, such as Mr. Pierce’s, however, have a different experience. Here are some creative ideas from Mrs. Pierce’s advisory to help make those short 20 minutes more fun.

Advisory Buddies: Often times, underclassmen need a little extra help and support during their first years in high school; they need a buddy. To help this, pair up an upperclassman with an underclassman to be advisory buddies. Everyday, they can check in with each other, tell each other how school is going, and offer any assistance or support. This will help the advisees to become more connected and involved with each other.

Play Games and Watch Videos Together: Try bringing in a board game or funny video for the advisory to watch or play together. This will give the students something fun to do together instead of just watching Netflix. It will build teamwork and unity among the advisees, and help them to get to know each other.

Get Involved: Don’t be afraid to come out from behind the desk, and get involved in the games or conversations. You just “can’t do it from back here,” Mrs. Pierce said as she motioned to her desk. It is impossible to make the same meaningful connections with students in your advisory without joining in on their fun. This is one of the only times during the school day that a teacher can mingle with the students instead of lecturing. Have fun with it!

Advisory Outings: Some advisories have tried this, and had great success. Arrange a day when the advisory can get together and go out to eat or see a movie together outside of school. This will strengthen bonds among the advisor and students, and helps them to become more familiar and connected with each other.

Love Your Advisory: In order to develop the kind of relationship that will last throughout all four years, it’s important to, as Mrs. Pierce says, “love ‘em where they are”. Even if there are some students that make it difficult, always act as though you care, and you will find that you genuinely will. By making a personal connection with your students and peers, you will be better enabled to advise them throughout their high school careers.