Slack off Seniors: Still need your community service hours?

Community service can make or break your high school diploma. You won’t even graduate if you don’t get your 30 hours of community service done. Juniors, don’t wait to get your community service out of the way. It will hit you hard senior year. Don’t be a jerk, help out your community. Don’t have time? Actually, giving back is super easy.

One idea would be to talk to Mrs. Lamontagne. The health teacher has several community gardens that need help being taken care of, and if you help her, she will sign off on it before so you will get your hours.

You could even volunteer at the animal shelter if you love animals. The pets there are more than happy to have you and help you get your hours done. I asked Mrs. Luetje what she thinks the seniors should do and this was her reply, ”The Animal shelter in West K. Students need to fill out forms and attend a training, but two hours every day for 10 Saturdays would not only get you your hours, but help out this worthwhile nonprofit that does the community a great service.” Just a heads up, you need to be 16 to volunteer at the animal shelter.

Another idea is if you want to join interact club, as they are always doing things to rack up their community service hours. Mrs. Lamontagne is also in charge of the Interact Club. The club is always looking for more people to help out.

If you don’t do a sport every season, and love to be with a team, you can manage a sport that you want to know more about or that your friends play. Before you do this, ask the coach if they will sign off on your hours for you. In my opinion, it’s the most fun way to do it!

Mrs. Luetje can help out too, because she has some great ideas. The first thing that came to her mind was also to join Interact Club. She said during the holidays, “Contact the Salvation Army to be a bell ringer for holiday donations outside of stores.” Also, “Contact KES, Consolidated, or Sea Road School principals or building secretaries to see if they are in need of help.”

I asked her how she as a teacher here could help students get their hours done. “Encourage and remind students.” Being a teacher aid also helps get hours done too, “The KHS science department loves having lab aids.”


So to seniors out there that really need their hours done, I hope this helps! Get those hours done.