It feels surreal to call this year my senior year. The pandemic changed everything I thought would be normal for an average teenager, and now I’ve suddenly blinked and I’m graduating so soon???? Leaving Kennebunk is bittersweet for me; on one hand I’m more than ready to see myself and navigate a new environment independently. On the other hand, it’s hard to say goodbye to the town and people that raised me. I thank KHS for giving me rooms to thrive in, people to laugh with, experiences to enjoy, and opportunities to reach for. It’s been so incredibly fun? I didn’t see myself in politics or anything that had anything to do with the US government, and now I love KHS having done Debate, Mock Trial, Model State, Model UN, and different youth government programs and national conferences just in these last 4 years?? That’s literally crazy. I played the most disgusting clarinet known to man in the 4th grade and even broke it in 7 different pieces in the middle of the same year, and now I’m graduating KHS deep in the music department as an officer in both the band and choir and President of the Music Honors Society? Those were snippets into what my high school experience was like. None of those opportunities would’ve caught my eye if it wasn’t for trusted adults that guided me through the chaos that was high school in a pandemic, and I thank all staff members for their care and patience for Amede and I. Thank you to my advisor, Madame Lataille, for just always being there and letting me walk into your room to talk. Same with Ms. Beal, Mr. Allison, Ms. Lira, Mr. Myers-Wakeman and Halpin-Desmarais , Ms. Mooney, Mrs. Luetje and McLellan, Mrs. Thombs and Ms. Depue, Mr. Smith etc. etc. etc. (the list just keeps going on and on), you’ve all been amazing lights in my life, and I will be forever grateful.
If there’s any- thing I’d like to leave at KHS, it’s that ‘Butter’ by BTS is in fact the greatest song known to man, and I am honored to share that.
Thank you for everything, KHS! It’s been incredible.