Really, Guys?
An Open Letter to Liberal Protesters
Ever since Donald Trump’s election as the next president of America, there have been protests in the streets, showing the ugly hypocrisy that we liberals were supposedly above. I mean, really guys? Remember when Trump was asked if he would accept the election results, and everyone freaked out when he said that it depended on the outcome? Remember how righteously indignant everyone got when the potential president hinted at doing exactly what we expected him to do? For the most powerful man-child in the world to throw a fit after losing? Where’s that righteous indignation now, huh? Now that the shoe’s on the other foot? Oh, you were so high and mighty, so sure that you would win! Keeping in line with the Greek tragedy that is the United States, hubris has yet again ruined us all! The sheer hypocrisy is astounding! Democracy is so precious and right when it goes your way, but the second that it doesn’t suit your interests the system is broken and the government should be condemned! And do you want to know the scary part? You still think you’re right!
Can you imagine what would have happened if Trump had lost, and his supporters rioted and protested like he told them to, and like you do now? We’d be sitting up on our high horse, scoffing at the violent peasantry who dares to oppose the system that they supported before their loss! But reality pulled a fast one on us, and all the sudden you flip the switch and become exactly what you envisioned the other side to be! How quickly your smug superiority became a myopic and violent mockery of your own ideals is, frankly, dumbfounding.
Many of you have said that the protests are not about protesting the democratically elected president, but about showing solidarity with all of the race and gender groups who he has discriminated against, and who he plans to legislate against. What a lovely sentiment, I’m sure that they’ll really appreciate it when they’re being deported, harassed, or otherwise acted against. “Well, I’m forced to wear a pin identifying my religion and I’ll never see my parents again, but at least those reformists broke a few windows! That makes everything better!” said no immigrant ever.
Is this what America’s become? We just riot at the drop of a hat? There’s a difference between fighting for freedom and fighting for opinion. You don’t get your face on the one dollar bill for throwing a fit, only on a criminal lineup. You’re not a righteous crusader, you’re an overgrown child throwing a tantrum because you got the red Power Ranger instead of the blue, and now feel it necessary to tear down everyone else’s life.
And listen, folks, I don’t like Trump. He’s unfit to be president, inadequate as a human being, lacks any shredded vestige of moral character, and will undoubtedly fail as a leader and a man, inevitably embarrassing himself on a global scale, and force himself into a downward spiral of overindulgence and overcompensation that may seriously damage the global society while simultaneously shattering what desperate strand of pseudo-decency he has clinging to his cold, black heart. And when that happens, then you can protest him. But how dare you blame the system that we all agreed to as a society simply for working as intended? America has spoken, and if we as a nation want a racist corncob to lead us, then what moral right do we have to speak against ourselves? The second something goes wrong for us it stops being “we the people” and starts being “them the idiots.” Well guess what, America, there was no unfairness, no scandal, no below-the-belt disqualifying hits. No ears were bitten, there was no tripping, and the referee declared it a fair match. The red states voted the same way as the blue states, and here’s the thing that you refuse to accept: that we’re all purple on the inside. Johnny Squirrel-eater and Mary Cis-hater are both human, and both of their votes are counted fairly.
“Counted fairly? How can that be if California has 55 electoral votes and states like Alaska have only 3?” I hear you cry. And to that I say that if you don’t like the system, change it before it’s used. I’ve opposed the Electoral College ever since I learned what it is. Do you realize how slimy and evil it is to be fine with something before the results of it, and then oppose it just because it worked against your personal agenda? To somehow morally justify the abuse of a system for your own gain, but not another’s? If Clinton had lost the popular vote but won the Electoral vote, you’d be throwing parties and praising the system, but only now that she’s lost do you oppose it!
To those of you who read this and have not participated in the grand hypocrisy that is American post-election politics, I ask you to please help us reach a better world by ignoring the shrieking children at your doorstep, for they will never learn unless they teach themselves. Practise compassion and empathy, and help your fellow person. Do not allow one man to tear down a nation, for the people cannot be changed by force. The only hatred that will spread under Donald Trump will be that which we allow!