The Silver Lining
An Optimist’s View of America’s Next President
Long gone are the days of the internet’s biggest worry being whether or not Deadpool would be good or not. Donald Trump’s election to be America’s next president has caused many people to begin prophesying our country’s downfall. With protests in the streets and rampant hypocrisy in social media finally dying down only a month later, it’s time to stop raging against the machine, and time to start planning to deal with it. For anyone having a panic attack at the new American regime, here are a few things to remember to survive the impending sewage storm that we can expect for the next 4 years.
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.
In a political system that has somehow become even more divisive during this election cycle, many people seem to have forgotten what it means to be president of the USA. Now that he has won the election, it is Donald Trump’s responsibility to listen to the citizens of the country. Republicans and Democrats no longer matter in the Oval Office, only citizens. Just because we have a president whose views we oppose doesn’t mean that he can simply ignore the people who he will soon swear an oath to.
The government was designed to be by the people, for the people. Unfortunately, it’s kind of gotten away from us over the last century or so, but that doesn’t mean that it can simply do whatever it wants. There is still a responsibility to we, the people, that will not be erased unless it is allowed by we, the people.
You’re Fired!
As a government dedicated to the people, it is therefore made as a service to them. In layman’s terms, congratulations! You are now the boss of Donald Trump. It was the will of the people which placed Trump in office and it’s the will of the people that he must execute. For whatever reason, the American public seems to think that the government is above them, that we need to trust them to guide us. It’s the government’s job to be guided by the people, not the other way around.
The so-called war on terror has placed us in a constant state of unease, one that we’ve been in ever since the first World War. This unease has made us look to the government to protect us, as it should during war time, but the war is really just a tool to silence the public, who are supposed to run the country but are too scared to. If the public has no one to fear, then we will fulfill our role as the voice of the country, which takes power from the government. So stop fearing, become the voice of the people, and the president will be powerless.
Read All About It!
Even if the presidency goes as bad as possible, surpassing all negative expectations, at least we’ll have one ray of sunshine: the news is going to be frickin’ hilarious. Trump’s election means that there will not be a single satirist, political comedian, or fear-mongering reporter out of work for the next 4 years (lookin’ at you, SNL). The presidential race was so rife with controversy and idiocy that it’s practically inspired a new golden age of political humor, so just imagine how much there will be to make fun of as the man with the world’s biggest ego, and smallest brain, attempts to run the most powerful nation in the world. Trump’s election was the metaphorical bucket of water on the doorframe of America. Those of us who can take the bad with the good need only watch it fall and enjoy the aftermath.
Not My President!
A phrase that I despise, but seems appropriate for the point. Naturally, most of the people upset at the election results didn’t vote for Trump. Most of us are liberal, Democrat, feminist, or any other spectrum of affiliations that made us vote for Clinton or some 3rd party candidate, and I have good news for you all! It’s not your responsibility anymore! For the last 8 years, Republicans and conservatives alike have bashed the liberal, Democrat president and all those who supported him. Now it’s our turn, and the odds are balanced heavily in our favor!
Obama may have made some small mistakes or passed bills that didn’t work as planned, and he was really ripped a new one for it. Well imagine, with how inept Trump is, how often Republicans and conservatives will be berated just as we were! It’s payback tenfold! They put him in, so now they have to control him. Time to join the peanut gallery, where it’s all offense with no need for defense. Because that’s how American politics really works nowadays; one party takes over and the other pokes holes in it until everyone hates it, then they take over and the cycle continues for the other side. So just bide your time and have a little fun, because we’ll have our time again!