Spirit Week 2017

Your inside scoop to all things Spirit Week

Cyndi Smith

The Friday assembly on the last day of Spirit Week

One of the most exciting weeks of the year at Kennebunk High School is finally coming on March 13th to March 17th. Spirit Week is a chance to get festive, dress up, and bring out your competitive side. Executive Council President, Eliza Johnson said, “Obviously I have a biased answer, as I have immense pride in the Senior Class and high expectations for our last Spirit Week. But, I can say wholeheartedly that I think the Senior class is going to have the best Spirit Week yet.”



The week will begin with “Dress to Unimpress.” You are encouraged to wear something that would not make a good first impression. For example, pajamas, unprofessional attire, dirty clothes and so on. Right after school there will be games including jenga, puzzles, and ping-pong in the cafeteria. All of this will be located in Gym A. Indoor soccer will also take place in the gym.



Continuing the week with “Tacky Tourist Day,” a couple good ideas for this day would be to dress like you are on vacation or on a safari sightseeing; hawaiian shirts, sunscreen, sunglasses, hats such as bucket hats, binoculars, cameras, etc. Following the school day, there will be drama in the Auditorium and volleyball in Gym A.



Not only known as late start Wednesday, but it is also “American Day.” Bring out your inner American spirit and dress in your favorite patriotic attire. For example, red, white, blue, camo, flag apparel, american leggings, bandannas, and so much more. At 2:30 after school will be trivia held in the cafeteria and bombardment in Gym A.



Who doesn’t love denim? It’s “Denim Day.” Showcase all the denim that you can by wearing denim jeans, jackets, shirts, skirts, dresses, and even denim hats. Thursday is also ‘The Great Race’ that will be in Gym A after school. The events in the Great Race are making a paper airplane, toilet paper wrapping, finding a tic tac in whipped cream, singing the school song, three point shot, singing the alphabet backwards, and speaking pig latin.



Friday will be “Color Day”  and each class is assigned a different color. The Freshmen are orange, the Sophomores are yellow, the Juniors are red and the Seniors are green. Try and wear as much of that color as you can. Each class will design their own t-shirt, and all students are encouraged to wear them in order to improve overall dress up points. Wearing bandannas, sunglasses, beads, face/body paint, colorful clothing and your class t-shirts are great suggestions. During last block will be the assembly with many events and airband performances happening. Airband is one of the biggest events during spirit week. Any students that would like to participate will rehearse to create a 5 minute “airband.” All practices are Monday through Thursday. Each class will have a different theme. The winner will be based on organization, visual effects, originality, and overall participation. The faculty will decide the airband winner. Johnson said, “I think the competition for air band this year won’t be as competitive as we have seen in the past, but I am excited to see how each class comes out after a week of practicing!” Lastly, don’t forget to buy a ticket of $10 for the Spirit Week dance from 7:00-10:00 in the gymnasium Friday night. At the end of the dance, both the overall class winner and the airband winner will be announced. Points count for each grade for going, so make sure you attend.