How to Pull Through the Last Quarter of High School
Tips for seniors who might be feeling unmotivated for the fourth quarter
The fourth quarter is finally here, and summer is around the corner. Seniors might be coming down with “senioritis,” which describes seniors who are unmotivated through the last semester of the school year. Seniors with senioritis tend to be lazy, tardy to class and have dismissive attitudes. Senioritis only has one cure: graduation. Here are some tips to combat senioritis and have a strong fourth quarter.
- Get Organized
Go through all your binders/folders to get rid of any loose papers and organize the papers you need. This will make things easier to find, making homework completion easier.
- Set a Goal For the Last Quarter
Whether it be to get an A on a test or to score a goal in your lacrosse game, set a goal that you can look forward to completing. This will act as motivation when you feel lazy.
- Don’t Wish Time Away
While many Seniors are excited for their future plans, you shouldn’t wish time away. These are your last moments in school with your colleagues, some of which you probably won’t see again. Appreciate the present and enjoy the little moments you have with your peers, because a year from now you might miss them.
- Start a Planner
Last quarter of Senior Year means many things: college decisions, scholarship applications, senior project deadlines, etc. If you want to make sure you don’t miss any important deadlines, start a planner and write out all the important dates you need to remember. Keeping track of deadlines makes it easier to prioritize what needs to be done first. It’s never too late to be organized!
- Say Thank You
Since Senior Year is so busy, it is easy to forget the people who have made your high school career a success. Write some thank you cards to people (teachers, coaches, etc.) who have pushed you to become a better person. Acknowledging their assistance in your development as a person can go a long way.