Humans of KHS: Julia Milligan
A look inside of a KHS junior’s spring break travels.
As April rolls around, the excitement for spring break week grows stronger and stronger. Some are eager to finally get the week off from school whilst others are excited to jet off to somewhere special. Junior Julia Milligan fell in the latter group; she could hardly wait to hop on a plane and begin her journey through Europe.
Milligan signed up for the school sponsored trip to Europe in which she traveled to five different European cities: London, England, Paris and Versailles, France, and Florence and Rome, Italy.
During her time there, Milligan says that her favorite place the group visited was Rome. While the group was there, they explored the Trevi Fountain and the surrounding area.
Another cool activity that Julia was able to experience was the celebration of Rome’s Birthday. While they were there, the city was celebrating their 2,770th birthday. The entire city was festive for the occasion, decked out for the holiday which “was cool to experience,” Julia said.
When asked if she had learned anything special on the trip, Julia responded that she “learned lots of new information about the different cultures in Europe and facts about Europe.” Julia’s favorite fun fact that she learned on the trip was that “the Palace of Versailles has roughly 700 rooms.”
This was a trip that Julia and the entire group that attended will never forget. If you ever have the opportunity to go out and explore the world, take it because there is so much to learn out there.