Tutoring Help Offered At KHS!

Do you ever have those days when you just feel overwhelmed with school work, like you’re never going to get it all done in your 12-hour day? Sure, we all do, I constantly find myself having these days. You most likely want to ask for help or even for an extension on an assignment, but you might be afraid to. What if I told you that KHS offers a tutoring program right at school every day? This program is put on by the National Honor Society, or NHS, a group of seniors who want to take the time to help you be successful in school. Tutoring is open to all grades. If you are a freshman and are new to KHS, it might be a good opportunity to help you adjust to high school and the different workloads. 


Let me give you a little information on what the NHS does and how our students want to help. 


NHS tutors for all students every day during all four blocks in the library. This is so students can drop in and get the help they need during study halls. NHS wants to give everyone a chance to get the help they need during a block that works best for them. These tutors not only help you get your assignments completed but they’re also there to give you a better understanding of something if you are struggling to grasp a topic.  


I got the chance to meet with a few of the tutors. They all had very good things to say. I asked each of them a series of questions. One of the first questions I asked was their thoughts on the program. The most common answer that I received was that this program would be very beneficial to all students, and they were sad because they haven’t been able to help too many students this school year. They’re hoping to get to meet more of you and be able to help you. I also asked them what they enjoyed about the program and what their favorite part was. These students said that they enjoy being able to help other students and seeing the impact they make and that it brings them great joy when students walk away with a better understanding or a completed assignment. I asked them why they wanted to tutor and what they found interesting about it. Again, the most common answer I got was they wanted to be able to help others and give back to the community. Some even said that it is a good opportunity for students to make new friends and meet new people. You almost go into a little community where it is easy to get help. 


The students at KHS who are part of the NHS program want to do everything they can to give back to their community and help their fellow students. It may be scary to ask an upperclassman for help on an assignment, but don’t feel intimidated by them. One of the tutors that I met with said “…but in the end, we are all students.”  If you are unsure if you should check out this awesome opportunity that is held at our school, I would say take a leap of faith and just try it out for one block. Our students want to help you, even if it is just going in for a quick 5 to 10 minutes to finish a math problem or if it’s for the whole block to help understand an assignment or study for a test.  


These students are very passionate about wanting to help you, so if you feel stuck on an assignment or need help with a simple math problem or just want help studying for a test, pop into the library during your study hall block for help from these amazing tutors. They would greatly appreciate it, and they can’t wait to meet you and help you! 

There are posters throughout the school about this program with the different tutors’ email information if you want to directly contact one of them. Some of these tutors are even willing to meet before or after school, so definitely make sure to check out the posters around the school and pop into the library if you need help.