Ask Bunky: Unemployment Edition


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Dear Bunky,

Summer is just around the corner and I need a job, where do I look? When should I go?


Jobless Jamie

During the summer months our town is filled with hungry tourists who are willing to spend way too much on a lobster roll and then finish it off with a six dollar ice cream cone. Which means lots of job opportunities here in Kennebunk or Kennebunkport. Luckily, I’m here to give you some tips on finding the perfect summer job. It all depends on what you like to do, because you don’t want to be stuck at a job you hate. If you like being outside, consider something with a landscaping business, or maybe down at the docks washing rich peoples boats. Don’t mind getting a little messy? Scoop ice cream! Don’t want to go home smelling like a waffle cone? Fold T-shirts! Love the summer breeze blowing through your hair? Work on a sailing charter!  If you’re looking to get your foot in the door in the food industry, start as a dishwasher. This will probably be really gross, but you can work your way up to a hostess or waiter/waitress. Tips are great in the food business, and it’s nice to be able to take home some spending cash at the end of your shift to spend on things like food, and more food. So, when should you get started? ASAP!! When you do go to fill out applications, make sure to look professional.  Shake someones hand and be sure to make eye contact when you speak to the owner or boss. Good presentation is key to being hired, show them you are responsible and that you truly want to work for them. There are tons of different jobs here in town, so get on the ball before all of the good ones are snatched up, summer is just around the corner!