Welcome Jakub

This school year KHS, and its student body, is welcoming Jakub Simicak to our community. Jakub has traveled, 4,080 miles from Slovakia to spend the school year as a Kennebunk Ram. After sitting down with Jakub, I learned that one of the hardest parts for him, in his first month of being here, was tackling the language. I would never have guessed that, based on his English fluency. Despite the initial language barrier, Jakub is enjoying American culture and hospitality. After querying him about differences between America and Slovakia, Jakub replied, “Here, people are open and they are positive.” He explained to me how where he is from, it is not social protocol to wave and smile at everybody you pass on the street like it is in sunny Kennebunk, Maine.
Becoming a foreign exchange student is a brave choice. When asked about his reasoning behind this bold decision he responded, “I realized it would be really nice to go somewhere else; to get some experience because you need to impress the colleges.” Jakub’s thinking is similar to all of ours right now at KHS. What can we do to impress colleges? Jakub says he would love to come to college in America one day, but wishes it wasn’t so expensive. I think we can all relate to that, Jakub.
Jakub is kind, friendly and excited to be with us this school year. Be sure to say “hi” when you get the chance!