The Mysteries of Room C210 (The Bigger Plot: Volume I)

In the second floor C Wing of Kennebunk High School, across from the bathrooms, is Room C209, or Mrs. Rudis’s room. Past the bathrooms is Room C211, or one of the school’s janitorial closets. In between these 2 rooms, there is an empty space where a door frame could be. Here lies one of the school’s biggest mysteries, and a question sparks in everyone’s minds who notices this. Whatever happened to Room C210? Could this be just a mistake in the school’s architectural design, or could it be part of a much bigger plot?

Many other weird discoveries have been found around the school that could be related to this bizarre cutout. Perhaps the most outstanding discovery being the attic access point tile on the ceiling that just so happens to be in the same hallway as Room C210. What could be up there? A tile has been seen removed from time to time, but all that can be pointed out is a crawl space and some piping. A sophomore at KHS, Karl Frost, states that “there are five doors once you get into the attic, choose the right one and it gets you into C210, but choose wrong and it results in instant death.” How he got this evidence might never be revealed since Frost has been known to be a rather secretive student. Could this really be the entrance to the mysterious room? Since students are not authorized to go up into the attic, this mystery may never be solved.


Another weird thing that people never seem to question is level B of Kennebunk High School or the basement level. Only authorized personnel are allowed to walk down these stairs, but they don’t really seem to try and lock the gate that leads to this floor. These gates to the basement are both in the C Wing stairwells, meaning they could also have something to do with room C210. As of now, there isn’t any evidence of anybody ever openly talking about going down into the basement, so this remains one of the school’s biggest secrets. In these stairwells, there is another unusual anomaly that is so outstanding yet can’t be noticed without looking for it.

Another one of these mysteries are the windows cut off by the ceiling. Two of these windows have been discovered in the school, and they seem to rise up into the roof area. Who or what could have been responsible for such a big architectural mistake? These windows are both in the C Wing stairwells. While these don’t share any direct relations to Room C210, these windows do exist in the same wing of the school as Room C210, as many of the school’s mysteries also happen to be.


In stairwell three, located in the C Wing, there are signs on the walls indicating which level of the school you are on. This is the only stairwell in the school that shows these numbers, which is odd, but it gets even weirder if you look closer at the sign. The first floor which is the ground floor is level one. As mentioned previously, the basement is level B, and the second floor is level two. But if you look at this sign, level one is only one of three levels. This staircase only goes up to level two. Where is level three? Could this be the attic? Or the roof? There are ladders and doors outside of the school that does lead to the roof, but a stairway there has not yet been discovered. All that students seem to know is that this stairwell must go somewhere that nobody has seen before, and there might be a secret entrance to level three in this stairwell, but this has not been revealed. The school must be keeping something from the students of KHS. Maybe not even the school, but something much bigger.

What do many of these discoveries have in common? Did you notice? Well, that’s exactly what there is to take away from all of this: N.O.T.I.C.E. Who are these “Authorized Personel”? Did they put Room C210 and all of these architectural anomalies into the blueprints of KHS? Why is each of these irregularities in the C Wing? Does the letter C mean anything to them? Nobody knows what their acronym may stand for, but they could be responsible for all of these mysteries. 


More will be explained about what evidence there is so far on N.O.T.I.C.E. in The Bigger Plot: Volume II…