Herd in The Halls Issue No. 2

Herd in the Halls, Issue No. 2

Welcome to the second issue of Herd in the Halls! Herd in the Halls is a project that interviews students during lunches with a question of the week. If you were interviewed or want to see what your peers are saying, this is the place to be!

Question of the Week: What’s your best method of surviving school?

If you fail at something, you have to forget about it and move onto the next one

Manage your time

Think ahead about what you’re going to do after school

Don’t care what people think of you

Listening to music

Don’t fall behind

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and do the bare minimum to stay sane

Getting to see my favorite teacher



That’s all for this week! Follow us @theherdkhs on Instagram to be a part of the poll, and download the app for more Herd content!