Have a Waste-Free Holiday!


Last week, the 2022-23 Gulf of Maine Field Studies class put up a holiday tree in the lobby. The students collected the materials used for this project in September at Parsons Beach. Large amounts of microplastics, cigarettes, plastic wrappers, and styrofoam were found on the shore. To bring attention to this issue, the GoM Field Studies class constructed a tree made out of driftwood and abandoned lobster traps and adorned it with various trash, complete with a cigarette garland and buoy star topper. 

This project aims to bring awareness to the massive amounts of pollution being brought onto our beaches. With the tourists who flock to Maine for our beautiful beaches, natural habitats for a myriad of species, and strong ocean-based economy, this kind of careless consumerism is destroying our oceans and beaches. By taking the trash and making a prominent display in the main lobby of KHS, this class hopes everyone who sees it will go into this holiday season with more mindfulness of how their waste can affect the environment, especially here in our beautiful state of Maine.