What is your teacher bliss?
To nurture and promote the discovery of different perspectives, experiences, and types of thinking through the acquisition of a new language.
What is the hardest thing about teaching?
To comprehensively support every single student, even when they are reluctant to learn or do not make an effort.
No names—describe your worst teaching experience.
Every bad teaching experience is somehow a way for a teacher to learn something new and try other ways to tackle difficulties, but sometimes bad teaching experiences are related to class behavior, misunderstandings, stress, emergencies, or just technical difficulties.
When I started teaching in Maine I faced many culturally shocking situations where I was contested by students because I was new but I am grateful that it was just a growing pain of getting started. I also remember sending at least three kiddos to the principal’s office due to bad behavior. But again, this helped me to learn how to guide emotions in the classroom before getting to that boiling point.
If I had to choose one particularly frustrating teaching situation, it would be a time when I had put lots of work on a very didactic activity but my projector didn’t work that day. So I had to improvise another activity from scratch, however, since I had already lost lots of time trying to fix the projector, my middle schoolers were already all over the place and distracted, playing video games or talking to other friends. So, it took me a long time to regain their attention and to transition to something new. The next activity was not necessarily related to what I wanted to teach that day and it was mostly a way for them to socialize in Spanish, which turned out okay after all, although not the most organized class I have ever done.
Overall I think the worst teaching situation emerges when the teacher does not have the tools to deal with the difficulties. When things get tough I end up more frustrated with myself than with the students.
What is your dream vacation?
Any island in Greece, Venice in Italy, Tulum, México.
What would your students be surprised to find out about you?
I just learned how to drive 2 years ago.
What are your favorite summer break activities?
Biking, canoeing, hiking, swimming, plus visiting my family and friends in South América.
What is your advice for students?
Don’t give up without really trying, and know that there are multiple ways to achieve your goals.