What is your teacher bliss?
Hearing the words, “You are/were right, Mr. Watson.”
What is the hardest thing about teaching?
The hardest thing about teaching are all of the ancillary things that have very little to do with teaching. After all of these years, I still enjoy teaching and I don’t find it terribly difficult.
No names—describe your worst teaching experience.
Wow. That’s a tough one. Breaking up fights has never been a lot of fun. I don’t enjoy catching people cheating.
What is your dream vacation?
I would like to experience a Cape Buffalo hunt in Africa. It is, likely, the most dangerous big game hunt in the world. I can’t imagine the adrenaline rush when you know that if you make a mistake, you might not live to tell about it.
What would your students be surprised to find out about you?
Many students would be surprised to find out I have a heart.
What are your favorite summer break activities?
I enjoy the solitude of being the only one in a great fishing spot. If I could ever beat Mr. Dupuis at golf, that would be fun.
What is your advice for students?
Be yourself, try to improve yourself, but never try to change yourself to impress a crowd or fit in.